NORTHERN’s Communications & Marketing office, ‘NCAM’ for short, is Northern’s creative and news services office.
We collaborate with all Northern departments to design, write, and publish strategic communications and marketing in all media.
- NCAM provides creative leadership, professional art and editorial direction and graphic design, and coordinates the various processes of print & digital design, social media publishing, event and marketing collateral, advertising and media-buying, merchandise branding, and writing projects. We are your connection to quality printing.
- We also steward the NORTHERN brand and develop editorial and visual identity systems and guidelines for the College. Consistent, professional branding enhances the recognition and reputation of Northern in our communities, and helps build college pride and team spirit.
- In the interest of maintaining consistent college branding and messaging, proper logo usage, and professional design standards, we ask that all college departments consult with Northern's Communications and Marketing office before printing and distributing branded materials of any kind.